Participate in our yearly Haiku Expo and you may be published in our yearly Haiku Expo eBook!

About Haiku

Poetry is an integral part of Japanese culture. Poems were originally written in Chinese, using forms and styles brought home by courts people and scholars returning from Chinese cities. As Japan developed its own writing syllabries, a new class of poetry, waka, began to be written entirely in Japanese.

Probably the most familiar waka style known outside of Japan is haiku, with its poetic structure based on measure, or rhythm, instead of the use of rhyming words.

Haiku poetry typically contain a reference to images of nature. The poems use simple concrete images of things we can see, smell, taste, touch, or feel. The best haiku poems reveal the essence of a thing so clearly that the reader can experience the momentary scene or insight that inspired the author.

All participants and Teachers are encouraged to download the Submission Guidelines, Terms, Reference Guide and Lesson Plans below and get your students involved in showing their creative talents with creating Arizona inspired haiku poetry.

Download the Haiku Expo Overview.

Resources, Guidelines, Lesson Plans, Terms

1. Letter to educators

2. Learn all about Haiku in the Reference Guide & Lesson Plans

3. Review the Haiku Submission Guidelines.

4. All entrants must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions to participate.

5. Submit your Haiku to our committee.

Check out all the winners from previous Haiku Expo in our freely downloadable eBooks below.

Follow us on the Arizona Matsuri websiteFacebook or Twitter to see if your Haiku has been selected!


Download the free eBook collection

Thank you to all previous year’s Haiku Expo poetry contests. In 2019 we selected over 100 Outstanding and 200 Honorable Mention haiku from over 1000 entries from all across the State. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to those who were selected as winners. Even if your haiku was not selected your participation is greatly appreciated and we would like to encourage all to continue composing haiku that capture and convey a concrete image that you experienced and share it with others through this annual haiku expo or other means. 

2024 eBook
2023 eBook
2022 eBook
2021 eBook
2020 eBook
2019 eBook
2018 eBook
2017 eBook
2016 eBook
2015 eBook

Download the eBook by clicking on the image.

Note: The PDF file can be viewed with the freely available Adobe Reader for Windows PC’s and Preview on Apple computers. Most smartphones and tablet computers can also open this eBook.

If you would like to be notified by email when the next Haiku Expo begins, please sign up for notification so we can add you to the Haiku Expo mailing list.